Sunday, November 29, 2009

Advanced Training

I mentioned the Chi Power Link on the left, and how it has a few courses for the less avid enthusiast, and an advanced course for those that are truly serious about taking their chi practice to the next level. At the end of this 12-month course (or an accelerated, intense 12-week course), they provide a checklist to make sure you learned everything you were supposed to learn. I thought it might interest you to see this checklist.

  1. Either be able to put out the candle or move around the drinking straw.
  2. Show they can feel the difference between black & white (the colors) and be
    getting some of the others down. [with a blindfold on]
  3. Be able to project energy out of their hands & eyes, so that it can be felt easily
    by someone else, who is sensitive.
    (should be able to make it pointed chi (like a pointed needle) or blunt type chi,
    wider and bigger)
  4. Show you can make different emotions come out of your chi. Make yourself go
    through & feel diff emotions.
    (be able to change other people to at least feeling good too)
  5. Show an ability to make cool chi or warm chi come out of diff parts of their
    body, Minimum of hand, but rest of body soon.
    (raise or lower temperature of chi in a noticeable way)
  6. Correctly perform each exercise in the Vol-1 & Vol-2 DVDs and be able to
    show someone else the right way.
  7. Make chi come out of you from where ever a person would point on your body
    to do it from.
  8. Show a person how to remove different minor pains from the body, such as
    headaches and the like.
  9. Explain how our system works thru the nerve fibers build up and why it works
    like it does.
  10. Show an ability to send their chi through objects such as doors or glass, ect., so
    that someone else can feel it.
  11. Show the ability to lower their own heart rate & blood pressure and the ability
    to do it to others.
  12. Explain how chi effects the immune system, such as your NK cells and
    pheromones and why we do it in this good feeling & cool way.
  13. Be able to correctly sense if something is in a closed can or other objects or
    not at least 50% of the time or better.
  14. Show the ability to make someone feel the circles pattern from doing their
    circle exercise.
  15. Start showing signs of improved cognitive skills, better reasoning, seeing
    better in your head (lines and/or designs are starting to be seen), better
I am also going to add a direct link titled "Advanced Training"  on the left that goes directly to more details on this training and what you would learn. If you are serious about learning to manipulate chi, this is the best way I know of to go about it.

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