Sunday, December 20, 2009

A basic way of looking at yin and yang

Yin and Yang are ways of using the chi energy. Chi on its own is nutural, but we use it in a yin or yang way. When we draw things in using chi, we are using yin energy. When we are propelling things using chi, we are using yang energy. A great way to practice using both yin and yang chi is by making a psi ball (simply a ball of chi energy, usually heavely packed, but it does not need to be for this.) and just pass it back and forth with a partner. Stand a couple feet apart, and just pass the psi ball back and forth. When it is being passed to you, use yin energy to bring it to you, when you are passing it to your partner, use yang energy to send it over. Once you have done this a bit, try speeding up or working with a denser or bigger psi ball.

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